Empowerment Clinic 2016, Aurora Co.
Running…. In The WRONG Direction!!!
Supernatural Acceleration??? REALLY???
TTC Will Set The Record Straight!!
I Am The Lord and I Change Not. Malachi 3:6 What does this mean?
Who Needs A Breakthrough??? Not Us!!!!!
Understanding Demonic Activity
Proper Conduct During HEAVY Trials
To Sin Or Not To Sin, THAT Is The Question!
Let The Women Keep SILENT In The Church!!!
To Tithe or Not To Tithe? THAT is the Question!
Does the Bible support slavery?
Which role is more difficult to fulfill, the role of the husband or the role of the wife?
Is Demonic Possession Hereditary?
Does God choose our spouse for us Or do we choose?
What is the meaning of the word Sonship?
Is The Levitical Law Applicable Today?
Is it possible to live without sinning?
Was there an option for Adam or did he have to sin?
Are there any Biblical reasons for divorce, and if so, can I get married again?
Will we be cursed if we don’t give 10%?
What is the biblical stance on abortion?
Can a Christian sin without knowing that they have sinned?
Are Ministerial titles important?
Can Pastors and Leaders experience Church hurt also?
Can a person die before their time?
What was Paul’s thorn in the flesh?
Can mental illness be a spirit?
Is the Body of Christ COMMANDED to observe Jewish Feast Days?
What is Grace, and what is its purpose?
Is Christianity TRUTH or was it created by Europeans?
Is God a Spirit, or three persons?
Should homosexuality be allowed in the church? Pt.1
Should homosexuality be allowed in the church? Pt. 2
What is Deliverance, and who needs it?
What is Holiness and how do we obtain it?
Debunking False Biblical Theories
Is confession necessary for salvation? What is the difference between Guilt and Conviction?
Is it a sin to have tattoos? Can you be cursed for burning incense?
Are all who sin considered sinners?
What is the hierarchy of Angels as well as their functions?
Do you have to speak in tongues to be saved?
No flesh should glory in His presence!!
What power does Heylel operate in?
Has the Coronavirus Pandemic tested your faith?
How close are we to the coming of Christ?
If a Pastor decides not to have church service, does that mean the Pastor is operating in fear?
The Restoration of Order, part 1
The Restoration of Order, part 2
The Restoration of Order, part 3
The Restoration of Order, part 4
Unstoppable Grace!! 08/30/2020
Scientific Illumination 09/13/2020
5 Signs That You Might Be Susceptible to a Spirit of Deception
We Are NOT ignorant of the devil’s Devices!!
Gifts, Operations & Administrations
Deliverance Conference with Pastor Jeff Vance
Understanding The Misunderstanding
Decoding the DNA-Devine Nature Alignment
The Glory On The Inside Of The Inside!
Jesus’ Disciple Conference Pt.1
Jesus’ Disciple Conference Pt.2